Use case: S.Me.P.P.

Implementation of the IoT in the management of port facilities

Organizations involved

S.Me.P.P. Spa “Societa’ Mezzi Portuali Piombino” and Estrobit S.r.l. (solution provider)

Objectives obtained

Thanks to the IOT functionalities introduced in the ManKey software, S.Me.P.P. is now able to display the real-time status of its vehicles and maintenance history on a dynamic map, monitor each operating parameter and know at all times who the operator is driving and how long he has been operating

The challenge

S.Me.P.P. is a port company for loading, unloading, handling and storage of goods, active since 1975 in the port of Piombino. A reference model for port logistics, it aims to guarantee a cutting-edge service to customers, increasingly managing its vehicles every day in the port of Piombino.
The problem for S.Me.P.P. was to consult in an agile way the heterogeneous data coming from the control units of different machines (including tractors, cranes and port lift trucks), such as the distances traveled, the switching on and off, the temperature of the motor and to draw useful information to improve the efficiency of the management of the means and offer – as a last result – a better service to the customers.

The solution

Estrobit S.r.l., a system integrator company from Siena, has integrated Industrial IoT functions as proprietary technology to Industry 4.0 within their proprietary software for managing ManKey assets, thus enabling S.Me.P.P. to have an integrated and always up-to-date view of its fleet.

Now the control units, in a much smarter and smarter way, send the data, like all the IOT devices that are respected, to a central processing server and ManKey, in addition to optimally managing the maintenance of the entire park means thanks to its classic functionalities (organization of document and multimedia repository, programming of maintenance interventions, statistics and real-time monitoring of activities and spare parts warehouse, with consequent optimization of maintenance costs), receives and associates with the asset reference information from the respective on-board control unit.

This allows, first of all, to reconstruct in detail and in full the history of that particular asset, and also to have significant aggregate statistics on the efficiency and performance of the entire fleet. All from a single access point and an immediate and intuitive graphic interface.

Especially the geolocation of the vehicle, always coming from the on-board control units, allowed Estrobit to build for S.Me.P.P. an interactive map that tracks in real time and records the movements of each vehicle in the port of Piombino, useful not only to reconstruct the dynamics of an accident, but to prevent it by being able to set geolocated areas at a controlled speed according to environmental conditions and regulations current.

The management of these aspects has positively aroused the interest of control bodies, such as INAIL and USL, allowing better access to the tenders announced by them in order to obtain non-repayable incentives for investments in the safety of the workplace and the reduction of the INAIL awards.

S.Me.P.P. now it is able to display the real-time status of its vehicles on a dynamic map, view the maintenance history, monitor each operating parameter and know at any time who the operator is driving and how long he has been operating.

In addition, upon the occurrence of certain events (exceeding a specific motor temperature) or upon reaching certain thresholds (number of hours of overall operation), it can schedule maintenance interventions, avoiding breakdowns, reducing downtime and thus optimizing the costs of maintenance.

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